
Showing posts from August, 2020
HOW TO CREATE FORM USING HTML(INCLUDE CSS) to create this login pag e you need html and css code.the required code is below this is for html ! DOCTYPE   html > < html   lang = "en" > < head >      < title > Registration Form  </ title >      < link   rel = "stylesheet"   href = "style.css" > </ head >     < body >          < div   class = "loginbox" >           < img   src = "j.jpg"   class = "j" >             < form   style = " text-align: center; " >                 < p >< u >< i >< b > LOGIN </ b ></ i ></ u >   </ p >                 < p > ENTER YOUR NAME: </ p >                  < P >< input   type = "text"   placeholder = "username" </P >                  < p > PASSWORD: </ p >                  < P >< input   type = "password"